By: Brittany E. Bennett, Esq.
Amendment 2 was designed to allow the creation of a statewide business court with a statewide jurisdiction for use under certain circumstances. Under the amendment, the court’s judges are to be appointed by the governor and approved by a majority vote of the Senate and House judiciary committees. Judges would serve a term of five years. Judges on the court would be eligible to be reappointed for any number of terms under the measure.
Georgia Governor Nathan Deal (R) said, “A constitutional created business court would provide an efficient and dependable forum for litigants in every corner of our state. 1
The Law Office of Ichter Davis, a law firm tracking this legislative action, lists the key points of the Court Reform Council’s recommendations. They are as follows: 2
This formation of Business Court means business litigants will have the opportunity to remove their cases to a forum where judges are familiar with complex corporate/business issues and will become more familiar with the types of cases that need special attention and possibly a business background to properly rule on the law. This will streamline the types of cases a judge will preside over and likely result in more fair outcomes for litigants.
In the past judges have presided over business cases, but while also presiding over divorces, murders, and property disputes. Business Court will allow judges to become more familiar with the type of disputes that arise between business partners, non-compete disagreements, and other complex business cases. A more knowledgeable and experienced judge in one area of the law will allow the parties to more effectively communicate the actual legal issues to be resolved.
The Business Court has received state-wide support and will likely result in more efficient litigation with shorter timelines for all parties involved.
Bennett Law and Mediation Services LLC